619 Muscle Blog!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Post California

We spent a long weekend in Culver City this past weekend - with Team 619 Muscle in the house again!
We're so proud of all of our family members, including those competing this weekend:
"Big" John Ward dieted hard all year, and ended up presenting a thick, full superheavyweight package - Big John took 2nd in the Supers this weekend, yeah, man!

LaNecia Hines, this year's San Diego overall figure winner, took 2nd in the Figure F class this weekend, displaying a long, beautiful, tight physique. She also placed 2nd in Masters. Go LaNecia!

Roz Vail, Figure class "A" (just barely!) is a new member to our family, but not new to the stage. Roz showed a long, flowing, detailed physique, garnering 3rd place in both the Open and masters division!

The California also held the IFBB pro Figure competition. Our own Meriza DeGuzman presented a tight, compact, balanced physique, but at the end of the night, was to finish outside the "money". Meriza's "mighty might" physique is one of the best in the game, and was "on" that night, lean, tight - a crowd favorite - but the truth is, perhaps she was too "mighty" for the rest of the field and the new criteria for judging Figure. Meriza's 4'11 3/4" frame carried a solid amount of muscle. Based on the new, evolving judging criteria for Figure, feedback was that she needs to come in, tighten down - refine and polish and she'll be there. We are so proud of Meriza - she's made some major changes in physique - unbelievable! She'll be back, and better than ever!

Congratulations again to our entire Team! Thanks to Jon Lindsay, Jim Manion, J.M., ALR Industries own Troy and Krissy - great people to hang with this past weekend! Come and check out the Team again - we'll next be in Pasedena on June 21st for LT's Junior Cals!

Pete C
President and Founder
619 Muscle, Inc

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hey, everyone!
Welcome to the new home online for SoCal's Sports Nutrition Authority!

We're here to help keep you progressing toward your fitness and physique goals...Please don' t hesitate to contact us for any information, the latest in sports nutrition and training tips, news and updates - and all kinds of other goodies about our bodybuilding/figure/transformation health and fitness business!

We are here for you - and welcome all feedback, good, bad, or indifferent!

In Strength and Health,

Pete Ciccone
Founder and CEO
619 Muscle, Inc
"Building Superheroes!"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

619 Muscle Blog!

Welcome to the new 619 Muscle Blog. Please feel free to leave a comment or enter your info!
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All Rights Reserved.

MuscleContest.com - click here for the best in physique competition! NPC News Online -official website of the National Physique Committee World Gym, San Diego - "the New Mecca"  The last bastion of hardcore in a world of corporate fluff and puff Meriza DeGuzman - Our own champ, Figure consultant and more! MAN Sports - Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition, Born to Perform Advance Muscle Science - Learn. Apply. Grow.