IT'S BEEN A HELLUVA SUMMER! But now, back to Business!
And we ain't messin' around no more....
Part of the reason this blog has taken so long to update is because I've been busy, competing, trying to push our interests on a broader, wider scale....Team 619 MUSCLE, we been here since 2006...we ain't goin' away, and we only gettin' stronger...
I brought the best game I had this year to the USA's, coming away third, but really putting 100% plus another 10% into my prep and presentation, leaving no stones unturned, exhausting all resources, in an effort to stand on stage with the best physiques in the game at my weight...

After the smoke cleared on the USA's, with my good friend and brother in iron, Tamer El Guindy, taking top honors in our weight class, I had to take a minute to re-group, collect and gather myself...and that minute has turned into almost 6 weeks of reflection...and what I've found is that I love this sport, the lifestyle we live, and the people around us who share the it's back on the horse, back in the game, and back to business!
This summer, Martin and Khay opened up 619 Muscle Long Beach (Weider Publications top dawg, Alan Donnelly, visited us during the Long Beach grand opening in June) and the store is starting to rock, thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of our extended family members...thanks to everyone - vendors and customers - for helping to keep us goin' and growin'...spreadin' the good word of fitness, sports nutrition and the Hi-Performance Lifestyle to our friends in the greater Los Angeles region.
And our trip back from USA's this year left me with mixed emotions. 619 Muscle is growing, our energy, our passion and our family is expanding. Several of our family members made the journey this summer, and left some amazing impressions on those that got to see the show...Here's a few of the beautiful physiques that got to do their thing on that stage, in the biggest show ever for our sport!
And congrats to IFBB Pro's in house - PD Devers, Derik Farnsworth, Michelle Bates and Deena Walsh, who got up on stage, strutted their PRO stuff, and each rocked at their respective shows - showing everyone what we as a collective family can do!
And the ever incredible, 619 MUSCLE Long Beach owner, the one and only Khay!
This one was from her butt-kickin' performance at the North Americans last month...go Khay! And our TEAM 619 that headed out to Master's Nationals included:
Jack took 2nd place in his class in the 50+ category, rockin' the stage with a powerful, compact physique! Rory achieved his own best condition, and pushed a deep class of over 2o competitors, flexing his way into 7th place. Steph L., Roz G., Kris W. and Meg K. went on to show their own best ever conditions at in Pittburgh at the Master's Figure Nationals, showin' em all that we got what it takes here in the 619!
Yep, it was another amazing summer! Congrats to all of our family - let's keep the energy flowing as we keep on going and growing!
And thanks to our own dear Bikini Champ, Steph P., this is a beautiful way to end this blog!

619 MUSCLE, the original, and always, the Essence of Hardcore!
We are SoCal's Sports Nutrition Authority!

This summer, Martin and Khay opened up 619 Muscle Long Beach (Weider Publications top dawg, Alan Donnelly, visited us during the Long Beach grand opening in June) and the store is starting to rock, thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of our extended family members...thanks to everyone - vendors and customers - for helping to keep us goin' and growin'...spreadin' the good word of fitness, sports nutrition and the Hi-Performance Lifestyle to our friends in the greater Los Angeles region.

And congrats to IFBB Pro's in house - PD Devers, Derik Farnsworth, Michelle Bates and Deena Walsh, who got up on stage, strutted their PRO stuff, and each rocked at their respective shows - showing everyone what we as a collective family can do!
And the ever incredible, 619 MUSCLE Long Beach owner, the one and only Khay!

Yep, it was another amazing summer! Congrats to all of our family - let's keep the energy flowing as we keep on going and growing!

619 MUSCLE, the original, and always, the Essence of Hardcore!
We are SoCal's Sports Nutrition Authority!