619 Muscle Blog!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's a New Year, a New Look for 619 Muscle! - and...

It's time to get serious about your fitness goals...whether you've got just a few more pounds to lose, or it seems like you've got mountains to overcome, let us show you what we've learned with over 50+ cumulative years of training experience between us here at 619 Muscle! Make the commitment to yourself to exceed yourself, blast through those old plateaus and barriers to progress, and UNLEASH YOUR OWN HARDCORE ATHLETE, hiding inside, screaming to get out!

We've had an amazing year - with many of our family members taking their hardcore inside up to the national stages, we've had enough excitement to last a lifetime...but we've got even more coming in the new year! See you around the corner!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tis the Season...

It's been another great year, and 2011 is almost behind us. As a family, we've had some tremendous successes! Many in our family have achieved previously unreached levels of fitness, or have overcome obstacles and challenges to exceed themselves - several athletes we work with dialed it in this year, breaking new ground as first-time competitors, or hitting national level for the first time, or even turning Pro, achieving levels that few individuals ever realize in our sport.

We have had a tremendously successful freshman year for our new franchise location, 619 MUSCLE LONG-BEACH, and THIS SATURDAY, DEC 10TH, 2011, We'll be unleashing our first ever Holiday Bash and Charity Event!! I want to personally thank Martin and Khay for all of their hard work this year, making this event, and 2011, a year we'll look back on as a huge success! All big things start with small seeds; but, planted wisely, and nurtured faithfully, the smallest of acorns will grow into the mightiest Oak Tree!

2012 promises to be far better than this past year, so we're thankful for our positions and firm foothold in the game - playing hard, and looking to the next inning...we've only just begun to build, to create, to re-invent and to thrive!

YES, finally, within the next several days, we'll be launching the NEW 619MUSCLE.COM - it'll be jam-packed and ever-growing, with ideas and information, training programs and nutritional articles, motivation, inspiration, recipes, updates on the regional scene and much more! We'll have a store as well, featuring, like our own brick-and-mortar locations, only the best products in the Sports Nutrition game. So, bookmark this site, www.619muscle.com...and enjoy!
2012 is going to be an amazing new year!

God bless,


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All Rights Reserved.

MuscleContest.com - click here for the best in physique competition! NPC News Online -official website of the National Physique Committee World Gym, San Diego - "the New Mecca"  The last bastion of hardcore in a world of corporate fluff and puff Meriza DeGuzman - Our own champ, Figure consultant and more! MAN Sports - Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition, Born to Perform Advance Muscle Science - Learn. Apply. Grow.