619 Muscle Blog!

Monday, February 16, 2009

"To Give Anything Less Than Your Best is to Sacrifice the Gift." - Steve PreFontaine

Olympic runner, Steve PreFontaine, was a short kid from Oregon, with one leg longer than the other. People said he couldn't do it...He should quit, give up the dream...

But, little, crooked Steve PreFontaine pushed himself to be bigger than others thought he could be...in 1972, he pushed and pushed and qualified for the Summer Olympics where he raced against the best in the world.

"I am going to work so that it is a pure guts race. In the end, if it is, I am the only one who can win it."

"Somebody may beat me...but they're going to have to bleed to do it."

Life is never easy...and it's rarely fair...Keep on dreaming your dreams, and don't be afraid to give everything you've got to achieve them.
Dream...Believe...Be. Be Bigger than you thought you could be.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Aint it the truth?
Yep - the brutal truth.
Bodybuilding is a strange lifestyle...it's not for everyone...but for those of us who choose to dedicate our lives to the pursuit of our own version of perfection, it's the only life there is.
And I daresay, it's a beautifully painful one.
I think to myself, if only most people would understand that drive, determination and hard work poured into a specific direction most often leads to a measure of success...and that re-evaluation of the plan in an intelligent process of review and re-focus...this conserves and maximizes resources, toward the ultimate goal of maximizing outcomes...
This is the bodybuilding process...the process of progressive resistance, the beautifully adaptive process of "lift-heavy-get-stronger-do-it-again-rest-grow-do-it-again-and-again".

It's a way of life for some of us.

I always remind myself of this: It's not where you end up, but where you started and how far you go with what you've been given that truly matters...
This is the real source of pride...It's the brutal truth.
So, start today, pursuing your own personal legend.

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