619 Muscle Blog!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Proud of the Boys

619 Muscle is all about reaching deep down inside, and pulling out all the stops, bringing forth the Superhero inside yourself, and letting him or her shine. That's what I believe is the most powerful part of the sport we live and breath. Here are a few videos of my "guys"
- Tomas Navarro, Arizona's Strongest Man, 2010, is shown here, deadlifting the 619 MUSCLE car - over 700lbs at the wheels, according to his trainer, coach and mentor, Donnie Rhodes of SoCal Strength;

And "Superman Mike" Nguyen, shown here, drilling on the art of posing, presenting the physique optimally for the judges, as he prepared for the 2009 NPC Border States - (Mike won his weight class in Novice, and took 2nd in the unlimited lightweights, losing a close battle to Eric Raposa, another 619 Muscle family member)

Both of these young athletes work super hard, pushing their bodies and challenging themselves to be better than they were the previous day. That's the essence of unleashing your own superhero, the essence of Hardcore, and the essence of 619 Muscle...

Go get 'em boys...I always want to remind these young guys that you never know who you touch with your energy, love and passion...Be a hero, inspire others - give, and the energy comes back around...

In Strength,

Pete C

Friday, November 26, 2010

We're back! updated again!


It's been a helluva year...all good - With a killer success for many of the friends and members of our 619 Muscle family, including PD Devers, Michelle Bates, and Deena Walsh, all of whom kicked ass and joined the ranks of the elite - each earning their IFBB Pro status in the heat of competitive battle this year - We've got clients and friends with recent successes at the Border States and gearing up for the last show of 2010, the NPC Excalibur in LA next weekend...

It's always fun and exciting in the 619 - and we're working as hard as ever, to change the way people look, live and think! Life is so short, and goes by quick - may as well we all fight the tick-tock-tick-tocking touch of time with a solid nutritional program and a challenging strengthening program...They say "A strong muscle is a big muscle"- I'll add to that that a strong nation is a healthy, powerful nation - and bodybuilding is nation building..." So, spread the word, live your life like you're here - in the 619 - If you live and believe, YOU ARE FAMILY!

ALONG THOSE LINES, here's an older post from the earlier days of this blog - but it's one I think says alot - please read, enjoy and get out there and spread the word!
If we all believe in the ability to make things better, starting with our own small circles...together, those circles intertwine, and then, we all get better, bigger, stronger, safer, more powerful - together!...

One step at a time, we'll get there!

God bless - Pete

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Fight the Good Fight! Changing the world, 1 rep at a time...
Hey, all...

Consider this:
For those of us who train our asses off, chasing a goal, or a dream to be the best we can be - for ourselves - testing our limits daily, charging ahead, accepting and welcoming pain, committing to following a pre-conceived plan - we know the joy that comes from the completion of a gut-busting training session - from the purifying hunger pangs of a low carb diet...

It enriches the soul to test our limits, to push beyond previous achievements, into the unknown. I take my sweat-stained ballcap off to each of you.

Think about this the next time you leave the gym after a hard workout - or even just a tough cardio session. Euphoria, floating?...or worst case, a quiet smile of accomplishment subtly painted across your lips...
think about this.

Do you think that you'd have the mood, or the desire on your drive home to road rage on anyone? Or, maybe, stopping at the Supermarket on the way home, do you think you'd fight to get into the checkout line ahead of that poor mother with two shopping carts overflowing with food...nah, chances are, after a killer, gut-busting workout, you're floating around somewhere in a 7th heaven, and the little things in your life seem just a little bit less irritating...

Truth is, exercise is good for the body. Increased strength, improved circulation and cardiovascular function, greater bone density, beneficial changes in body composition...you name it, exercise can do it for your body...
But, there's more - improved tissue oxygenation (esp. to the brain) means clearer thinking, greater power to focus, improved mental accuracy...and, wait - increased sense of well-being due to all of the above - plus the endorphin release post-stressful event - that "runner's high" we hear about so much...better sex, better mood, better self-esteem...you can't get better than that!

So, bottom line is this with the obesity rate in our modern society running around 2 out of every 3rd person (Can you believe that???!!!) let's spread the good news like a modern day religion!
People - Fit People and fitness enthusiasts!! Become an advocate for your own health - take responsibility - then tell others about it! Tell others how you feel, what good you get out of your workouts!! Make the change by living it!

Somebody very smart - and very old by now - once said,
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

In Strength and Health,

Pete C
President and Founder

619 Muscle, Inc
© 2008, 619 MUSCLE, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

MuscleContest.com - click here for the best in physique competition! NPC News Online -official website of the National Physique Committee World Gym, San Diego - "the New Mecca"  The last bastion of hardcore in a world of corporate fluff and puff Meriza DeGuzman - Our own champ, Figure consultant and more! MAN Sports - Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition, Born to Perform Advance Muscle Science - Learn. Apply. Grow.