INSPIRE - a challenge for the week ahead
Team 619 Muscle had a KILLER weekend!
We were lucky enough to have industry legendary photographer, Ralph DeHaan, follow us through a pounding leg thrashing on Saturday morning. It started at 9am, Ralph arrived at the 619 Muscle store, adjoining our home, and what we've affectionately dubbed "the New Mecca" - World gym, San Diego...
Luke, Derik and I were in the store, getting our last bit of pre-workout supplements on board, laying the ground work for what was sure to be a brutal session. We were fired up, because Ralph is one of the best photographers in the game - having his expertise behind the camera would certainly give us some great results!
3 hours later, thousands of pounds moved and reps completed, a hack squat machine broken under the stress of weight, and a truck pulled across the parking lot, we completed one of the most-challenging leg workouts I've had in a while. What a great way to start the weekend!
And, now that the weekend is over, Father's day has come and gone, one of the things I set for myself to take into the week ahead is this:
I will wake up each morning, on my way to the gym, up with the sun, I will keep in mind that my job is to work hard, giving everything I can to my clients, all of my experience, my energy and my passion. I will also commit to my own training this week - I'm only 6 weeks away from the USA's and I don't have a workout or a cardio session to waste!
I know that I, as an athlete, look to the dedication of others to their craft as a source of inspiration. I watched this weekend as my training partners pushed themselves beyond pre-conceived limits, testing their abilities and tolerances. I watch my own clients as they work hard, pushing in the gym, adhering to their nutritional programs and cardio sessions - and they SUCCEED! And, I am inspired.
So, this week, for myself, I commit to working my own ass off - for I hope that I can inspire others, too, by my own actions.
What do you commit to? I challenge you to commit to your own goals...stay true to your plan, be honest with the face that stares back at you from the mirror each morning.
"Am I going to give it everything I've got?"
"Am I committed to success?"
"What am I going to do today to help me get closer to the achievement of my own goals?"
Have a plan, follow it, re-evaluate periodically, but do it! And, through your own dedication to your goal, through your daily strivings, your struggle to succeed, DON'T FOR A MINUTE THINK THAT SOMEONE IS NOT WATCHING YOU! Your hard work will inspire others around you!
And, that inspiration, that well-spring of positive energy and drive, it will change those in your circle of influence..and little by little, we'll each of us make a positive difference.
And that is how we will change the world!
God bless,
Pete C
619 Muscle, Inc
"Build your SuperHero!"
We were lucky enough to have industry legendary photographer, Ralph DeHaan, follow us through a pounding leg thrashing on Saturday morning. It started at 9am, Ralph arrived at the 619 Muscle store, adjoining our home, and what we've affectionately dubbed "the New Mecca" - World gym, San Diego...
Luke, Derik and I were in the store, getting our last bit of pre-workout supplements on board, laying the ground work for what was sure to be a brutal session. We were fired up, because Ralph is one of the best photographers in the game - having his expertise behind the camera would certainly give us some great results!
3 hours later, thousands of pounds moved and reps completed, a hack squat machine broken under the stress of weight, and a truck pulled across the parking lot, we completed one of the most-challenging leg workouts I've had in a while. What a great way to start the weekend!
And, now that the weekend is over, Father's day has come and gone, one of the things I set for myself to take into the week ahead is this:
I will wake up each morning, on my way to the gym, up with the sun, I will keep in mind that my job is to work hard, giving everything I can to my clients, all of my experience, my energy and my passion. I will also commit to my own training this week - I'm only 6 weeks away from the USA's and I don't have a workout or a cardio session to waste!
I know that I, as an athlete, look to the dedication of others to their craft as a source of inspiration. I watched this weekend as my training partners pushed themselves beyond pre-conceived limits, testing their abilities and tolerances. I watch my own clients as they work hard, pushing in the gym, adhering to their nutritional programs and cardio sessions - and they SUCCEED! And, I am inspired.
So, this week, for myself, I commit to working my own ass off - for I hope that I can inspire others, too, by my own actions.
What do you commit to? I challenge you to commit to your own goals...stay true to your plan, be honest with the face that stares back at you from the mirror each morning.
"Am I going to give it everything I've got?"
"Am I committed to success?"
"What am I going to do today to help me get closer to the achievement of my own goals?"
Have a plan, follow it, re-evaluate periodically, but do it! And, through your own dedication to your goal, through your daily strivings, your struggle to succeed, DON'T FOR A MINUTE THINK THAT SOMEONE IS NOT WATCHING YOU! Your hard work will inspire others around you!
And, that inspiration, that well-spring of positive energy and drive, it will change those in your circle of influence..and little by little, we'll each of us make a positive difference.
And that is how we will change the world!
God bless,
Pete C
619 Muscle, Inc
"Build your SuperHero!"
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