Some more crazy 619 Muscle-heads! Check out Kenny "the mad scottsman", and Donnie "cupcakes" D, crushing some back! Big Mike, missing from this clip, usually gets into the mix hard with these crazies! - warning: watch with caution - the events depicted in this video should not be tried at home, or without the proper supervision - these men are experts, and are doing these activities for demonstration purposes only - and to get frikkin BIG N STRONG!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
More Pics from the Crazy Strongman Event!

Special 619 Muscle thank you to all the vendors, sponsors and supporters of this awesome event!
619 Muscle would like to extend sincere thanks to the following:
World Gym San Diego
So Cal Strength Asylum
North American Strongman organization
Europa Sports
Gaspari Nutrition
Axis Labs
MAN Sports
JS Nitro
Freedom of Fitness
all the vendors who have supported us throughout the past year most importantly all of the hard working athletes that made our day a tremendous success!

STRONGMEN (and ladies)...INVADE THE 619!!

619 MUSCLE played host to North American Strongman sanctioned
2nd Annual 619 Muscle Strongman Challenge this past weekend. Promoted by the powerhouse athletes themselves, Donnie and Kristen Rhodes and their training camp, SoCal Strength, this contest proved to be an exciting, explosive event to behold - barely hampered by the occasional December drizzle not uncommon to the region.

It was cold, but the crowd of athletes, spectators and vendors were undaunted - the primal thrill of sinew and bone facing off against the challenge of gravity, heavy iron and stone lit up 619 Muscle like a hot day in June!

Monday, December 7, 2009
This year's NPC Excalibur was an incredible way to close out 2009!! Mr. Jon Lindsay told me we had close to 300 competitors at this, the last NPC event of the year!
It was a killer show for the 619 Muscle family! Once again, our gym brothers and sisters made their marks once again, from bodybuilding to figure, we left our stamp on the L.A. stage - and big huge Congratulations to all of the athletes of our family!
Great showing, ms. Molly Goodwin, who came away with top honors in the Figure A class! Molly's been a dear friend of the family, and one of Meriza's hardest working clients since 2007 - we are so proud of her - and her ongoing competitive record speaks for itself!
Ms. Nel Bautista, another of our decorated girls, made a strong showing, by standing tall, 1st place out of almost 20 ladies in the master's C class. Nel is a vetaran of this show; tonight, she also battled for the top spot in the open class, taking 3rd in a huge class of 21 girls.
Sarah Butler gave a strong showing too! Sarah is fast-getting her figure-legs, and will be making some headway in upcoming events!
Ms. Dina Walsh scored another first place once again - Dina is new to the sport, but making some strong marks - she trains in World gym and we are all proud of her!
Jack Hill, took home another little bronze man, with a strong 3rd place finish in Masters - and he got engaged! Proving once again, that the right partner can help bring the best out of you! Go Jack! Be watching out for this athlete to bring it stronger, better and bigger in his next show!
Eric Raposa, movd up a weight class in the open division. He took 1st place in the masters, and got to stand in the overall against fellow 619 Muscle team member, Rory Love, who also won his class in Masters! Rory made some dramatic improvements to his lower body, and kicked butt, earning his 1st #1 trophy to date, but certainly not his last.
619 Muscle is a family of very hard-working, driven, successful people. Athlete's all of us, supportive, each bringing to the table energy, drive, and a hunger for self-improvement. None of us are perfect athletes, nor perfect people. But we all love what we do, and share a common passion, and a spirit to pursue self-improvement,and the art of physique perfection. This is the spirit of 619 Muscle - and the true ESSENCE OF HARDCORE