History in the making!

That's right, once again, we're here and we're not planning on going anywhere! Thank you so much to our loyal customers, friends and family members!
When we opened in 2006, we had the single purpose of bringing to the Southern California area a place where like-minded, driven, motivate people could gather, share their experiences and learn from each other - celebrate their own "hardcore athlete" within, and build their own superhero! We are a supplement store, for sure...we carry all the leading brands, and top quality smaller, boutique and exotic lines, especially for the discerning athletes and individuals driven to live their lives at a HIGHER LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE - all facets of life!
This year, we're celebrating our 4th full year in business - and we are both grateful and BLESSED for each and every customer who walks through our doors. That's why we are dedicated to spreading the good word of fitness, nutrition and feeding the High Performance, hardcore superhero inside each and everyone of us!!
See you soon - and thanks again for the love, support and energy each of you bring through our doors!