WELCOME 2011!! - Dominate Every Moment...

Hey, everyone!
It's time to re-activate and re-invigorate the 619 MUSCLE blog!
We've got so much going on, so much good stuff around us - our family has grown, and we've had a tremendously successful year!
Meriza and I got married, The Excalibur had some amazing successes for our Team, and the holidays have come and gone without any major misshaps, and with tons of love to go around!
(I only gained a couple pounds myself, Meriza maintained her best shape ever for off-season, and we're all back on track early, preparing for springtime shows!)
Happy New Year to all our 619 family - and congratulations to everyone for a successful year!
Here's to a bright, shiny new year that can only promise bigger, better and more blessed days ahead.
So, get ready, get off your butt, make your plan, and take that first step of 2011 - your first steps toward achieving your own personal legend and dream...
We all only have so many minutes left here on this cold, hard rock...may as well go around w/ big biceps - and a 6-pack!
In Strength, here's to welcoming in hope and prosperity for our beloved country and us all!
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