Meriza's hardcore! - Ironman Pro weekend!!
  Hey, everyone - first of all, I gotta say congrats (and brag just a little bit) about our lovely resident IFBB Pro Figure athlete, Meriza DeGuzman. Meriza graces 7 pages of this month's FLEX magazine (march issue) - from page 282-289, she's 100% real - the real deal - all 4'11" of her 100lb body! If you haven't seen this one, you gotta check it out! Special thanks to Allan Donelly and Chris Hoebrecker from FLEX magazine, for inviting Meriza to participate and for coordinating all of this with Pavel Ythjall and Pauline Nordin. It was a major blast, and quite an honor to grace the pages of FLEX in such a beautiful way! And congrats to Silvio Samuel for his Ironman victory! All in all, it was one heck of a show! And more next time on our crazy dinner w/ Richie Gaspari and his team of athletes! What a night, whew! Pete
Hard training - Team 619 - superhero style
          We've been doing some training down here in S.D., that's for sure. We've got a whole bunch of us getting ready for battle this year! First up, the San Diego show - we've got a number of athletes getting ready, in both men's and women's bodybuilding, figure, and the new bikini class! It's going to be a fun, busy year! Rory Love, Duda Bueno, A.J. Frazier and Louis Uridel are gearing up for battle; Martha Ibarra will get onstage in bodybuilding, and Jessica Reum, Julie Baxter, Ima Sommers, and Kristi Krasja and Lorie Lee, Michelle Lee and Aimee Franck are getting ready to step into their figure heels, and Brenda Vidrio will brave the new bikini category! So far, Nell B., Molly G. and Roz V. are getting ready for Cal Figure - and Brandy L (or is it "C?"lol) will be stepping on stage in her Bikini debut! We have high hopes for all of our 619 Muscle friends! Big Jon, taking time to grow even bigger, is staying lean and focused in 2009. On the pro and national level, Derik and Brandon are 31 weeks out from Europa, Meriza is 17 weeks away from the California, and me, myself, I'm 28 weeks out at this point. Our dear friend, Gina, is only 7 weeks out from the Arnold! It's going to be a fun year! I also spoke w/ Richie Moran - he's already starting his prep - and Malachi Walker has his plan formulating - as does Mike Bautista. More details on the prep of the rest of our family members as showtime draws closer! Here are some photos of a recent balls-out leg training session - Derik front squatting 405 for reps, Brandon, Brandy, and Derik and Kim both tearing up reps with a fully loaded (and then some!) leg press! It's Leg Day Saturday down here at World gym - Bring your own bucket! In Strength and Health, Pete C
Bodybuilding is Nation Building!
 A healthy body is a healthy citizen, who can become a productive, contributing part of society. A client of mine was watching the TV show, "The Biggest Loser" the other day. She told me that one of the contestants lost 40lbs in the first 3 weeks of the show, and was able to stop taking ALL 7 OF HIS PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS. Imagine that?! Isn't that great? Lose weight, less need for medicines like anti-hypertensives, diabetic medications, blood thinners, anti-cholesterol medications, and medications to counter the side-effects of the other medications. Do the math. Each one of these prescription medications costs at least a buck or two per dose, typically. So, this poor guy, for the 40 lbs he lost in the past 3 weeks, saves at least $7 bucks a day, or $210 bucks each month - that's $2,520 per year - just for this single obese individual. Now, let's do some more math. Recent reports say that at least 1 in 3 Americans is obese. That's right, 1 in 3. If we consider California, just our own home state of 6 million people, well, I guess this means 2 million people living in California are obese! 2 million people! Now, if each of these two million obese people is eating a similar prescription drug protocol, that ads up to 2 million x $2,520, or $5,040,000,000 (never mind the costs of increased physician visits, monitoring, diabetic and cardiovascular risk costs, my goodness!) OK, ok, my point is this: We as contributing, responsible citizens owe it to our nation, to our society, to our communities, our families, to each other and to ourselves to TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES! It's our responsibility to be healthy - to work conscientiously and diligently to at least maintain our health as best as we can. A healthy nation is a strong nation. A physically fit community is a community that works, takes responsibility for itself, and can be fiscally fit as well. Remember, we are what we eat - we can be strong, we can be healthier, we can be better! It's time to look in the mirror, take charge of the life of the individual who is looking back at you. Life is not often easy; it's rarely fair. But, together, I am confident we can all work toward a better world for future generations, but also for ourselves! So, yep, that's right -be selfish! Get your butt to the gym, get on board the fit and strong train, join the club, and let's get back to making our Nation the proud, strong place it was one known for! Be a hero for your own self, for your family and for your neighbors! GET FIT NOW! It's your obligation! Thanks, everyone - Pete
Saturday Morning leg days are back!
The beasts are back! OK, party time is just about over. Derik is preparing for a crazy squat-off at the Arnold - The Animal boys from Universal visited our home this past weekend, and Derik has been officially challenged. How many reps can you squat with 405? Derik broke 25 full range reps this past weekend, following that up with another smashing set of 14 reps with 5 plates! What is going on at World Gym? And our new friend and training partner, Brandon Curry, BSN monster and Weider athlete, crushed 455 for a smashing 20 reps himself! I'm telling you, Saturday leg day is back in the land of the little giants! And, speaking of giants, Big Jon Ward was in the mood to front squat this weekend...he rocked 405 for 10 solid reps, complaining that things didn't feel quite "right", so he cautiously stopped after burying a solid 10. And, let's not forget about our little monster machine, Meriza D - she is squatting again!! Who says Figure girls don't squat? Both she and Brandon's wife, Brandie Leaver - that's right, family! Flex Magazine's 2007 Bikini champ, she's training here with the family - and squatting! Meriza got into the groove - squatting 225 for 10 solid reps on her last set, dropping to 135lbs for another 10 deep-ass reps! And Ms. Leaver/Curry rocked her own set of 10 reps with 185lbs...just wait, there will be more news coming as the year progresses from this electric synergy of Saturday morning leg days! We're gonna try to get photos and video of these crazy days...who knows how long the synergy will last? Meantime, anyone is welcome to come and check out the magic...it gets ugly...but it's a beautiful thing! Pete C 619 Muscle "Unleash Your Superhero!"
IT'S 2009! IT'S 2009! IT'S 2009!
Hey all! yep, welcome to the new year! It's been one helluva crazy busy year for our 619 crew! 2008 in review: Q.4 Excalibur 2008 - The biggest SoCal contest ever, according to Jon Lindsay - there were over 200 competitors on December 6th, including many national level competitors fresh from the NPC Nationals - vying for an early requal. at this, the last show of the 2008 season. Our family list of competitors included Malachi Walker, who won the middleweight class, open and novice, standing with a hard, symmetrical, flowing package that was the best on stage this night - congrats Mr. Walker! The leanest man in the show, 619 Family member, Jamie Allen, gave up a few pounds, but showed 'em all what it meant to be conditioned...He stood next to our resident middleweight champ, Mighty Ryan Spink - Ryan has made some tremendous changes to his lower body since his middleweight victory at the '07 Border States...and he'll be back for more in the new year. Luc Andreotti put on some added thickness this year, up over 13lbs from his showing at the 2007 Cals...Luc has some unreal lines, and with just a tad tighter condition, this boy will be doing some major damage. The sky is the limit for Big Luc. Little big man, Eric Raposa stomped on his competition this show, finally winning his #1 spot! Go Big E! For the girls, we saw Kristy Krasja hit the stage for the 2nd time, with a much improved back and better delt development. Kristy's a newcomer to the sport but has the long lines to do well as she progresses. Ms. Dena Gunnoe, Border States B class champ, came in just a tad smaller for this show, and came away with a hard-earned 3rd place, in a deep class of competitors. Our own Ms. Nel Bautista looked phenomenal this night, best condition in show, and legs that belonged on a pro stage somewhere. Nel took 2nd in a decision that drew loud, clear mixed reviews from teh audience - but ever-graceful Nel smiled knowingly, taking her runner up trophy with class. Sometimes, the best physiques on the stage aren't the ones who take home the top spot. And Nel's smile, her condition, her color, her suit, and her elegance and poise - all in attendance that night saw who the real champ was (and there are pictures to prove it) Homegirl, Patricia Weaver, got into the best shape of her life for this show, working her tail off in the gym, day and night - we are especially proud of our resident marine! And a special congrats to our OC friend, Yvonne Grimes, who represented well in her first show - boy, talk about picking a winner for your first show! There were over 100 figure competitors! Congratulations to all competitors - this really was an incredible show! Merry Christmas! December 16th was our 3rd Annual 619 Muscle Sushi Holiday Feast! It was a fantastic Christmas party, with over 60 of our close friends and family converge on Wasabi Sushi, Pacific Beach, CA. We ate Sushi til we were all full. Even 260lb Big Jon Ward ate his full of sashimi and specialty rolls. Thanks to everyone (even Richard Jones!) for making it to the party. This was our 3rd annual Sushi Feast, we collected boxes and boxes of Toys for the Children's Hospital, and had alot of laughs. 2008 is in the books - and we're ready to welcome in the new year! Let's make it the best one yet! God bless, Pete C 619 Muscle "Building Superheroes!"
© 2008, 619 MUSCLE, Inc.
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