Bodybuilding is Nation Building!

A healthy body is a healthy citizen, who can become a productive, contributing part of society.
A client of mine was watching the TV show, "The Biggest Loser" the other day. She told me that one of the contestants lost 40lbs in the first 3 weeks of the show, and was able to stop taking ALL 7 OF HIS PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS. Imagine that?! Isn't that great? Lose weight, less need for medicines like anti-hypertensives, diabetic medications, blood thinners, anti-cholesterol medications, and medications to counter the side-effects of the other medications.
Do the math. Each one of these prescription medications costs at least a buck or two per dose, typically. So, this poor guy, for the 40 lbs he lost in the past 3 weeks, saves at least $7 bucks a day, or $210 bucks each month - that's $2,520 per year - just for this single obese individual. Now, let's do some more math.
Recent reports say that at least 1 in 3 Americans is obese. That's right, 1 in 3. If we consider California, just our own home state of 6 million people, well, I guess this means 2 million people living in California are obese! 2 million people! Now, if each of these two million obese people is eating a similar prescription drug protocol, that ads up to 2 million x $2,520, or $5,040,000,000 (never mind the costs of increased physician visits, monitoring, diabetic and cardiovascular risk costs, my goodness!)
OK, ok, my point is this: We as contributing, responsible citizens owe it to our nation, to our society, to our communities, our families, to each other and to ourselves to TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES! It's our responsibility to be healthy - to work conscientiously and diligently to at least maintain our health as best as we can. A healthy nation is a strong nation. A physically fit community is a community that works, takes responsibility for itself, and can be fiscally fit as well.
Remember, we are what we eat - we can be strong, we can be healthier, we can be better!
It's time to look in the mirror, take charge of the life of the individual who is looking back at you. Life is not often easy; it's rarely fair. But, together, I am confident we can all work toward a better world for future generations, but also for ourselves!
So, yep, that's right -be selfish! Get your butt to the gym, get on board the fit and strong train, join the club, and let's get back to making our Nation the proud, strong place it was one known for! Be a hero for your own self, for your family and for your neighbors!
GET FIT NOW! It's your obligation!
Thanks, everyone - Pete
Pete, I always appreciate your views noted and health knowledge. Keep up the great work and dedication for a stronger tomorrow.
Chris Torres, NCCS
Thanks, Chris!
I firmly believe that we, as health promotion experts, have the responsibility to spread the word! Can you imagine if each and every individual in our society took ownership and responsibility for their own well-being? If they sought advice when needed, but were motivated and driven (as I am sure your clients are) to better themselves, each and every day - even just a little bit? What a wonderful world of continuous improvement-seekers and motivated individuals we would have.
Yes, I firmly believe that doing the best with what we have been given - this is our drive, our mission, our responsibility!
In health,
Pete C
Papa Pete! I made a speech for my Toastmasters club titled "The American Waistline: Creating an Epidemic of Obesity." I love the fact that not only do you guide me to push myself to the limits as my personal trainer but I admire your commitment and dedication to having a positive effect on the obesity epidemic. I couldn't have chosen anyone better. Make it a GREAT, HEALTHY, and PRODUCTIVE, day. Papa Pete and Mama Meriza... haha...
A healthy body has a healthy mind. Your tips to stay healthy are awesome for people all across the globe. Thanks for such a great post.
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