JAY CUTLER DAY IV!! MR. O coming again to the 619!

"619 Muscle presents JAY CUTLER DAY - IV!" August 21, 2010!
619 Muscle, SoCal's Sports Nutrition Authority, welcomes history making, 3x Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler, to our 4th annIversary Parking Lot Bash and Supplement Expo - "JAY CUTLER DAY IN THE 619".
Where: 619 Muscle, 2949 Garnet Ave, San Diego, CA 92109 (at World Gym, San Diego)
When: August 21, 2010, festivities start at 10am!
What: Our 4th annual Anniversary Parking Lot Bash and Supplement Expo, featuring 3x Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler and many other bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness champions, and other industry celebrities!
GiveAways, mad sales and discounts, Strongman demonstrations, bikini contest and more!
Last year was insane!
This year promises to be even bigger, better, badder!
Mark your calendar and get ready to come wish Big Jay, the history making and reigning Mr. O, good luck as he prepares to defend his title one more time only a few short weeks after this event!
Special thanks to Jay, and to all the sponsors, vendors and participants of this event over the past several years...2010 promises to be the biggest yet!
Pete C
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